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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 30, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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in for laura ingraham. check out my book serenity through the storm by leaning on christ. don't forget to tune in weekdays 12:00 p.m. eastern time when i cohost outnumberedment thank you for watching this special edition of the ingraham angle. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ >> greg: oh, man. ha ha, happy tuesday, everyone. i hope all of you are recuperating. i know i am. covered myself in barbecue sauce. then i turned out the lights. we'll get to that later, larry. all right. recently, espn's samantha
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sproefd support for athletes speaking out against biological men who keep trying to compete with women in sports. you know, the guys who keep putting the meat in swim meet. disgusting. ponder tweeted i barely said anything publicly about this issue and i've had so many people message me stop me in the streets and say thank you and tell me stories about girls afraid to speak up for fear of loss of employment or hateful but it's not hateful to demand fairness for girls in sports that's logical fair and based on er refeudable scientific facts. what happens next? liberals in the media are furious because well they're stupid and what do they do to a woman speaking out against bullying of women? they bully her of course. riding in on her broomstick is nancy armor a ghastly sports columnist for usa today the official dor matt for americans staying at low priced hotels. if the laquinn take inn goes out
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of business, so does she. the god awful armor writes quote don't be fooled by the people who screech about fairness to cloak their bigotry against transgender girls and women. this is and always was about hate, fear and ignorance. well, if you're talking about a column you couldn't be more right, they suck. this broad accuses ponder of screeching but she's not the one leveling unprovable accusations. seems to me nancy is projecting like a drive in theater how about this gem i'm at a loss about how a transgender woman going to a gynecologist takes anything from anyone or how it's any of ponder's business. the rest of us are wondering why a transgender woman needs to go to a gynecologist unless she's suffering from jock itch. i've been there. but it's like a usa today writer going to see a brain surgeon. what's to operate on? armor then accusing her of
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piling upon a group already amongst the most vulnerable in our society. who's she talking about? men, she's talking about men. here's the thought process. all men are evil right up to the moment they decide they're actually women. then suddenly, suddenly their rights override everybody else's rights, especially women who have been women the whole dam time. but nance is a sports writer not a young superlative athlete so that might be the problem. envy failure spite she's not a winner like they are and she hates them for it. but i about it she still considers herself a feminist and i'm not saying that because she looks like a young pete rose. [laughter] >> greg: thank you >> tyrus: what the hell did pete rose do to anybody. >> greg: i know. most fennel i was in don't try to ruin the careers and lives of other women and calling someone a bigot minus any evidence is an attempt to do just that. so armour just created a new
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athletic event throwing women under the bus. hopefully a man is driving the bus and will skillfully avoid hitting them. >> a sexist would say. >> greg: just making sure you're awake. accusations of bigotry are a dime a dozen especially against hacks but it's not just name calling it's a serious slander for social stigmas that will follow you on line forever. that's the point isn't it? that the threat of the smei er will scare you into silence which is what omar hopes the do to high level female athletes. suddenly female athletes are now defined as anti trans and what happens when you're labeled that? just ask j.k. rowling whose live was turned upside down by unhinged rabid activists it's a sign of weakness in the arguments rather than debite that he enunciate and smear and when you state the obvious they're different and placing bio men against women in sports, they will call you a bigot. because, well, at least she is a
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profoundly political anti science hack. screw her and the smears she rode in on basically human biology is not going to change no many how many cruddy come ums nancy craps out. terrible writing might be in her dna but a y comb sewn isn't. >> period. >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests. he hides his money in his socks and fasens them with locks. hosts of kudlow on fox business, larry kudlow! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: his act is a laugh a minute. which actually isn't a lot. actor comedian and writer, jamie lissow! [cheers and applause]. >> greg: she needs a running start to use a stapler. fox news contributor kat timpf! [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: and finally, the grand canyon is his cereal bowl. >> tyrus: i need bigger. >> greg: the world television nwa champion tyrus. there you go. so, jamie, i was just thinking, you know, it's always a pleasure to see you here. if you were a trans athlete, do you think it would have prevented your divorce? >> jamie: oh, man >> tyrus: what's wrong with you? that is the meanest worst question. are you okay? >> greg: i'm trying to break the ice. >> tyrus: break the ice? you shattered the ceiling. >> jamie: i don't think anything would have prevented it. sorry to get rid of the following questions you have for the next ten episodes. [laughter] >> jamie: this story, by the way, by the way, that was really -- i didn't even have to respond tyrus had my back. that felt good. i felt safe. this story, like, you know me,
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like i can be liberal when i'm pouring drinks or describing my penis over the phone. but these guys --. >> tyrus: donned call him after eight. >> larry: i'm so glad to be here. >> jamie: i should have warmed up into that one. but it's upsetting to watch for me i feel bad for the kids, the worst is when this happens in mma there's nothing worse. i watched like a big actual man and it looked like he was fighting -- it looked like abuse, honestly. like i was disgusted. like i pulled my pants up, i turned it off. >> greg:. >> greg: one more? >> jamie: i go, i can't even finish. i don't know, just -- no. >> greg: no. [laughter] >> jamie: i was thinking about it and i was like that one felt pretty good. i just think calling her a bigot, i was like, i think they
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misspelled biologist. >> greg: that's good. that was a good clean joke. people will write in and saying why doesn't jamie do more jokes like that instead of talking about his genitalia. larry kudlow, what does this say about usa today? usa today is kind of a husk of a paper and they need hot takes for click bait. is that kind of the business model here? because you are the businessman. >> larry: i'm really glad to be here tonight. i want to thank you for inviting me, particularly with this topic. i don't have much to say in defense of usa today. i do think, however, biological males should not play in female sports. [cheers and applause]. >> larry: i think that's the key point. and i thought long and hard about this, and so beyond that early point that i just made, i just wanted to know if you realized that the kevin mccarthy
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deal on the debt ceiling is very terrific. he completely spun biden around cutting $2 trillion is a record amount. no tax increases, caps on future spending, and it's really going to help economic growth and reduce inflation. i know that was implied in your question, so i just thought i would fill it in. >> greg: don't you hate the farce of the debt ceiling where everybody on cable tv pre tends it's the end of the world. you can just turn it off and turn it on in a week and everything's the same. i swore on the 5 we would never do the debt ceiling thing because it's so [bleep] fake. and also, what the hell is a debt ceiling? shouldn't it be the debt floor? it is such a farce. we're over that larry. take your debt ceiling crap, get it out of here. >> larry: sort of the transgenderism of economics. >> greg: it really is.
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>> tyrus: there we go. >> greg: you brought it together. >> tyrus: brought it all together. >> greg: larry! kudlow! >> larry: i just wanted to be part of the spirit of the show. >> greg: kat what do you make of this -- you're a writer she often takes political angles but i just feel that, what does she know about sports really? >> kat: yeah she probably didn't want to spend that much time on it, i mean it was a holiday weekend. >> greg: that's right this came out on memorial day >> kat: exactly this is how you get crap this. she doesn't want to work hard neither do the educate tours everyone wants the time off, everybody's off. this is how you get an article that is lacking any attempt at evidence to make a point. because nowhere in the article did she claim there's no evidence that somebody goes through male puberty would have advantages over a woman in sports because there is evidence that suggests that. and when you say -- just throw the word bigotry at anybody who thinks that that's a possibility
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then you're completely diluting the whole entire thing. but again it's probably hard to find people to write over the holiday weekend. >> greg: yes. that's a good point. last word to you tyrus. >> tyrus: i think it's such a -- we're talking about her, so mission accomplished. and what we are he a seeing now today is you don't need to have an argument because you really shouldn't be debating these individuals because it's not an exchange of ideas. the only person who has an idea is the one who came in he-the normal person on's trying to understand and their idea is just why did i waste my time? she's wrote that article and now she's a champion for them so chances are she'll get more opportunities because that makes no sense. that used to be -- we would make fun of brothers who would have excuses for failing my teacher's racist my girlfriend dumped me because she's racist. it took a while but she put together together the dots and realized i was black.
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really? it wasn't because you were cheating it's because your girlfriend is slow racist. it's a thing. >> greg: slow racism. >> tyrus: it's like slow -- like takes you time to realize there's no definition of a woman. but isn't it the most toxic masculine male thing to do to hop out of a division you can't compete in and show up and compete against somebody smaller than you? isn't that the worst guy we've seen them all, the 13 year old who jumps in with the seven year old to play soccer. no one's cheering for him. >> greg: they cheered for me once. >> tyrus: look at this guy why doesn't he play with someone his own size or age. same thing with the transgender dooms and the mma thing was awful, it was absolutely awful. and we need to be able to say no. it's become a new thing, you're going to get asked two questions when you run for office or you apply for a job, do you know what a woman is and should men be able to be women in women's
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sports and you say no and no, then you can only work here. >> greg: yeah. you can answer that in one answer and you go i know what a woman is, that's not a woman. >> yeah. >> thank you for your time. >> jamie: you don't want to reach back and the baton's attached. >> greg: and i think we'll -- larry, how's that debt ceiling? looking pretty good. >> larry: i tried. i really tried. >> tyrus: jamie's not a big fan of ceilings. >> greg: up next shoplifters have no fear snatching yucky yoga gear. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking.
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cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters.
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♪ >> greg: enough. i hope larry likes this topic.
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lululemon says respect the rights of people who steal our tights. and for stopping thieves from stealing their loot, the store gives two employees the boot. two ladies say eww lieu lemon fired them for calling the cops on shoplifting suspects who they filmed robbing their metro atlanta store but lululemon denies saying that saying they violated their zero tolerance policy on physically engaging or chasing suspects. kind of ironic a fitness brand telling you to just stay on the couch and do nothing. the whole thing went down earlier this month. watch. >> nope. no. >> seriously. get out. get out. get out. >> greg: wow. that's rude customer service if those thieves ever decide to a for stuff. so they got out with the stolen lulu lemons hopped in a get away car and bolted. the suspects were eventually arrested and charged with
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robbery which means they were probably back at lulu lemons for second before you can say no cash bail. meanwhile the two brave women are without their job proving lululemon has a zero policy for keeping a business open. cops have other crimes to investigate like charge 150 bucks for a pair of see-through tights. i don't know why, i was drunk when i ordered them. larry. >> tyrus: no you weren't. >> greg: i was wasn't. >> tyrus: thank you. >> greg: this is no. a victimless crime, right? law abiding citizens pay for everything that is stolen whether it's through insurance or not. is this going to just kill retail stores. >> larry: yes. this is just the worst story they have a zero tolerance policy for employees that try to protect their merchandise and keep some law and order and meanwhile they're not worried about criminals coming in. not only stealing stuff but they pose a risk to other customers as well as the employees. and what's happened in places like san francisco and la and
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new york and elsewhere maybe atlanta, too, the stores close. so the risk is you'll have cities without stores. these crazy blue lawless cities with lawless prosecutors just letting this stuff happen, it's a terrible thing. i mean, one of these days, honestly, an employee, because he or she is threatened by these -- i mean they come in with calculators so when they come up with 999 they go out and come in and steal again. somebody's going to pull a gun on these guys. wait and see. at least a water gun. >> greg: do you wear any lulu lemons larry? >> not yet. my stuff is all bespoke. >> greg: he exercisess in bespoke. >> tyrus: i expect nothing less. curls in a bow tie to get lou the day. >> greg: it is pretty amazing, though, i mean, that like -- if
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you let -- like, if you're doing your job, tyrus, and people are violating it in front of you and you sit and take it you should be able to sue the company because it violates your mental health. >> tyrus: two things are really frustrating it attacked a whole mindset. not just somebody's running your store but you take the time, you put effort into your job, you work, your careers, you build those tables, butt the clothes out, you organize everything, you have the store log for your customers, and they come in, and other women coming in, young man comes in like that starts stealing everything, if the women don't do anything, they're saying come back soon. now, when they are doing something, and they get in trouble, and they come back soon, this time they won't just take the clothes, it will be beat up the one with the phone and beat up the one trying to stop me. it's a natural -- good people the natural feeling when people do something wrong is hey don't do that please stop doing that.
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they're now taking that away. so that guy when he comes back he will know the mistake he made last time is he needs to take the phone away from one first that way he won't have the inconvenience of being locked up a couple hours before he calls his friends on facebook. but they have zero retribution of tolerance but i wonder what happens when one gets beaten up raped or worse? because they embolden the worst of society. >> greg: thank you. they're applauding my next question. why don't we shop lift? why don't we? we should have a shoplifting day. if everybody's doing it why can't we shop list? >> kat: because we're on cable news. i think that's the only reason, if i wasn't on cable news i would be stealing. >> greg: why not. can't beat them join us. >> jamie: i actually can't, i'm
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too anxious. yeah, i don't know why you wouldn't at this point if you were just a regular person. although the people that -- i wouldn't have cop what these people did going after these people and chasing them and stuff like that. i'm not risking my life over someone trying to steal a pair of stretchy pass over an employer that doesn't care about you and they don't. if there's some sort of conservative active wear out there they should be calling them but i don't know that there is. >> greg: there might be. but if they were actually doing their job and they were injured they would sulu lieu lemons >> kat: the my pillow guy is going to come out with leggins. >> greg: my leggins, they're made from this. >> tyrus: he better transition if he shows up in your mirror in the morning asking how your leggins fit. better transition if he's in your bathroom >> jamie, do you own yoga pants? >> jamie: you know what's weird, own yoga pants, don't do yoga.
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>> greg: interesting. >> jamie: i any some that are chocolate licking instead of sweat licking they're just so dam comfortable. you know what's weird i believe i like many americans stole their entire outfit from lululemon today. how does that not make you want to steal something. i bought this shirt from lululemon today it was like 60 thaters and part of me was like, why should i pay this if they're shrift -- it's weird to steal, i guess it's expensive stuff but lululemon stuff is very fit. there were many years where i thought the logo was the vagina. [laughter]. >> tyrus: something wrong with my drink i'm hallucinating. >> larry: did i hear that? he didn't really say that. >> jamie: by mistake all the dirty jokes are right in a row. >> greg: what's the next one. >> jamie: how crazy though, the
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company handbook says which, you know who wrote it? >> greg: who? >> jamie: the thieves. >> greg: the thieves wrote it. yes. yeah. >> jamie: actually love eww lieu lemon. >> greg: why. >> jamie: this is sad for me. i go there all the time. yeah, the tire says write. legitimately someone's going to get hurt or killed. >> larry: lululemon is a stupid left-winged managed store, that's their dam problem. and tyrus is exactly right. the incentives are completely wrong and you're encouraging crime and you're discouraging law and order and you're discouraging safety and you're discouraging the employees who are putting their lives on the line to work in the dam store. it's just the stupidest ass story i've ever heard. >> greg: there you go, huh? [cheers and applause]. >> greg: i'm never sure if jamie was making a serious point or
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was half way through the start for the set up of another joke. >> jamie: i was making a serious point. i don't know, i felt like, not even a joke, i just felt like it was two girls doing the right thing and tried to get snufrpd there you go. that's a video i watched. two girls trying to do the right thing. >> tyrus: the crowd pre laughed. they knew it was coming, they were like oh, poor sweet jamie, you didn't know. >> greg: two girls trying to do the right thing and not get punched. that's the description of every video on porn hub. ha ha. up next, did perfects get diddley squat from the little mermaid plot. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera.
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: the times says the little mermaid's corny because the remake doesn't make them horny. but does the fishy stink because
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they left out the kink. the new york times is getting slammed for disney's new little mermaid remake. one part of the film is missing, quote, joy, fun, mystery, risk, flavor, kink. which is exactly what i said about fox and friends. but that's right, they said kink. weird, huh? the word can me ex centuriesity, hard one, or a quick. most have been in kudlow's hot tub to know the real definition. an unconventional sexual taste or behavior. yeah. for instance, i become quickly aroused by setting jesse watters book on fire. yeah. i get hot. and predictably the internet is freaking out which is the internet agencies natural state anyway. what did the writer mean by missing more coverage in the movies. like with chris wallace nobody really knows. but sadly if you go back to the
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orange 1989 animated version of the little mermaid there were signs that even then kink was indeed a thing. just be glad the live action version didn't recreate this slack scene. >> yo, ariel too bad you don't have feet because that's kind of my thing. what brings you here? >> what is this stuff? >> oh, let me see here. this thing? humans put this up their butt. >> really? all the way? >> oh, yes. they're into some weird stuff. go ahead, smell it. >> amazing. >> what about this thing? oh, this thing, you can shove this anywhere. pretty cool, huh? now if it stops working do what my bon damage master does to me, put it in your mouth and blow. >> greg: yeah. we've come a long way. come a long way this show.
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tyrus, as a parent. >> tyrus: oh, come on, man. >> greg: i know. but you've got kids. >> tyrus: they're not watching that version. >> greg: no. >> tyrus: aim not watching that version. >> greg: what do you think he meant by kink. >> tyrus: exactly what you said and that's the problem. you're trying to normalize sexual behavior, even if you thought -- even if you dug a cartoon or whatever the case may be, it's a remake movie, exact same movie as the cartoons except they cut out a lot of the fun stuff because they didn't want men to think they can do anything positive. but it goes back to that thing where they slip things in there and then when you call them on it there's something wrong with you for calling them on it. even to say that. there is a better word for kink, if you're trying to say quirkyness or weirdness or 1-liners. it used to be easter eggs, they would have a low back to a different movie somewhere in the
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movie if you saw it. like swimming and you see a pineapple, it's like sponge bob, that was their idea of kid kink, i hate to even use that word, but it wasn't something for that audience that doesn't buy tickets, doesn't participate and shouldn't be around kids in the first place. >> greg: right. it's actually true. a lot of these critics kat go to mes movies assuming it's for them and it's not for them. there's not enough nudity. it's bambi for god's say. that's what i said. it's bambi kat >> kat: i don't know, i mean isn't the little mermaid kind of kinky? . >> greg: how soon >> kat: the guy wants to bang a fish lady. >> tyrus: she transitions and tricks him >> kat: i guess it is more like real life he wants to bang the
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girl who doesn't talk. >> greg: somebody's got an attitude >> kat: this is smart the new york times did this because people now have read the review of the little mermaid. do you know how many clips he got do you know. >> more people have kluged on it than any other movie review this year. >> greg: probably. jamie if were allowed to see your children, would you take them to see this movie. >> jamie: i am allowed to see my children they just don't want to. >> greg: i miss your stories. do you have a little story for me. >> jamie: like a lesson? >> greg: yes. do you have a lesson. >> jamie: it's possible. i'll just wait and if something happens i had one. ♪
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>> lissow's lessons, stips from a divorced dad. >> hey, dads. when you get some time alone with your kids, make sure to talk to them about the birds and the bees, and the bees and the bees, and the birds that used to be bees. and bees that want to be called birds but they still have their singers, you know, saving up to get rid of their stingers. and maybe have somebody else do it. >> greg: >> jamie: by the way greg just overall mermaids are stupid. if you're going to be one half of a woman, why wouldn't you pick the fun half? [laughter]. >> tyrus: all right, katz, time to hit the button. kat, hit the button. hit the eject button, kat, do
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it. >> greg: oh, my god, you. >> tyrus: where's the eject button. >> greg: you are so bad. larry. >> larry: i know, help. [laughter] >> larry: you know, this is a very important story. >> greg: yes, it is. >> larry: i mean this princess mermaid wants to come on land and my take away has always been, even when i saw the first take and i was much younger, she wants to save america from socialism. there's no question in my mind. she sees the trend of biden and bernie sanders and people like that and she know that to keep america free and prosperous we need a strong dose of pre market capitalism and she is determined to do that and she doesn't want anything to get in her way, not the new york times or any of these other crazy outlets. that was my take away surprised no one else got it. >> greg: that's your take on every movie isn't it? >> tyrus: there's your kink
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allege. there's your kink. >> greg: anything else jamie. >> jamie: no i just feel stupid i missed all that when i watched it. >> there's more but i'm going to stop >> coming up stories smart and dumb from a sneaky possum to choke gum. by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. ask your doctor about fasenra.
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♪ >> coast to coast with stories that matter most. you're watching local news with nine-time emmy award winner chet van jansen. and now here's chet. [cheers and applause] >> greg: local news where each guest has to share a story from wherever they're from and i vote on a winner and that person gets my old car. nah, bad things happened in that car, preferably the last thing that happened. so, tyrus. >> tyrus: well, chet, thanks. much like the weather, it's nothing good to report today.
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the celtics had to just play with my emotions and drag things out. they were down 0-3, could have been swept and we could have been moved on with our lives but, no, no, we had to win three straight and attempt to make history the first team ever to be down 3-0 but we forgot to show up last night. around the third quarter i was wondering are the sole particular showing up anytime soon? no, no, season's over. thank you bruins, thank you celtics, thanks. all bad over here. >> greg: all right larry what's your story. where are you from again? i englewood, new jersey. >> greg: yes. >> larry: so memorial day weekend, and i thought of my dad who has passed away. he was a world war ii veteran. he served in the army, air core, as a navigator, for a couple years, then the european theater
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and i just kind of remembered him. i also want to say, memorial day's such an important day, my wife's father was army -- air force career, full bird currently and my saintly wife had us watch a movie last night. i don't mean to take up time but it's called taking chance starring kevin bacon, the most extraordinary movie, honestly. it's about a marine currently who accompanies deceased, guy who was killed, a private first class was killed in iraq and he accompanies him all the way from dover in delaware all the way to his home in wyoming, shows you every step of the way, with people paying reverence to this young man who gave his life to keep america free and win our war. and i think that's memorial day is all about. so i don't mean to be too corny.
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>> greg: that's not corn yes at all. very good, very good. >> greg: you know what's great, jamie's got to follow that. so jamie, what's your story? [laughter] >> jamie: there's a pots um loose in alaska. that's my story. that was a beautiful thing larry just said but this is a real story. in homer alaska, which is a couple hours where i live, by plane, there is a possum or both. >> jamie: that's if they're irish. >> jamie: oh, is that right you go to the oh possum? so this possum named -- this is so weird but early this morning when i was reading this story there was this possum or oh possum gruby was on the lamb. which could mean he was banging other animals but you think it
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meant he was missing. but right before the show i get an update they found him, what was -- some people wanted to kill it because it could be an invasive species and soment waked it to live. you know what they did? >> greg: what. >> it is unwanted and it has been rehomed which is why it reminds me a lot of me at that same age that it was rehomed and the good news is it's still a live and they got it and put it in the alaska strew, which is where you want to go when you want to take a break from seeing cool animals. >> greg: is in little happy ending there, i feel warm all over. >> jamie: there you go and you dvent have to pay extra. where's your story from. >> ohio. >> a five year old had really bad diarrhea and it's because he ate 40 pieces of gum.
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that's his stomach. so don't do that. >> did his mother chew him out >> kat: here's the thing i always wonder how these stories wind up on the news. like you have diarrhea next thing it's in the paper, i don't know. >> greg: or on the paper. somebody at the hospital says, you're not going to believe this, and you get on the phone and they talk to the string railroad. i don't know what i'm saying. >> greg: pretty big begun. >> greg: remember they said you would die if you on he on he woman woman the kid' still alive. imagine if he wasn't. >> tyrus: it was like one piece, you swallow one piece you die. this kid went 40 he's fearless. >> greg: we have to move on that was exciting. i don't know who won i feel like i should give it to larry but it wasn't really a story, you
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watched a movie. so i'm going to have to actually ask larry to leave. >> jamie: i kind of need a new place to live. >> greg: you need a car. up next the cameraman interseeds to help out dancing swedes. nywh♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. -okay, and one more. -i think we got it. -yeah, let's focus on the rv. -rv? okay, everybody, look at the rv and smile. this is what you want for your family portrait? good point. we bundled the boat with our home and auto first. -hey, team, get on in here. -team? oh. fun. now everyone say "24/7 financial protection with progressive"! 24/7 financial protection with progressive! okay. let's get some singles of me on the bike. honey. yeah. [ leaf blower whirring ] this is our top of the line hearing aid. this is eargo
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and they're virtually invisible. they come with lifetime support, available at retail, and about half the price of those. we have a retail version, too. this is a fraction of the cost of other models. how did you manage that? we stripped out most of the tech and support. can i see those? sure. wow.
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♪ a story in five words
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♪ >> greg: cameraman gets revenge on activists. i believe this happened, kat, in sweden during the dancing with the stars thing and i think if you have to watch closely, the people come on there -- oh, look at that -- and they try to disrupt it by doing some climate change protest. and the dude with the camera, the boom just comes out and whacks him i think you see it coming right here, where is you? there you go and it happens and it's a great story. it's a story both uplifting and downlifting. what say you? >> kat: yeah i think he did a great job and that's also how i know this exists so maybe it was an inside job. >> greg: you think it is an inside job? >> kat: what is swedish dance time? i would november have watched that otherwise. >> greg: well, they're big fans of your show, send all your mail
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swedes to kat. >> all this stuff keeps happening so it's hard to be shocking anymore but they're' shocked somebody interrupted because you see a crazy person and you're like oh, lot him be crazy. >> greg: tyrus i have to credit for the dancer. >> tyrus: dancing is hard they didn't break nowhere nobody. i feel it's funny that the protester his hair was green because it knocked the green off his ass when the camera hit him, that little green pit. and for those being critical i would like to point out it was a mostly peaceful filming. >> it was. i have it was. i watched that thing like nine times and i have to say i enjoy every moment of those kids getting hit on their ass. >> tyrus: then they want to turn on the camera man, like the guys that run on the field they want to sue the ball player and stadium for impeding their right
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to ruin everyone else's day. >> greg: has that ever happen to you, did anyone protest one of your shows. >> jamie: no, somebody was like, be careful people are going to show up and protest. i was like people are going to show up? we were going to cancel it. after ten seasons you have to start calling it distancing with the star we could get. i hope they hire this guy and three of his friends to work for the view. >> greg: you mean the cameramen right. >> jamie: yeah, thanks for ex -- i ruined it. these guys are so annoying. was anyone torn? because i was like, i hate these activists that are doing -- they never do anything that relates to what the cause is. they're always like, i hate, i hate climate change. i'm going to put painting. like i'm going to break up with you but first i'm going to put
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chocolate on this bird bath. i was confused because i did hate the dancing also and also wanted it to stop. i don't know what i hated more, i liked the camera man for knocking that person down. >> i've seen a fan new show can you distance through this. you have people like starving coyotes. >> larry: ballroom dancing is beautiful. >> greg: it is. >> larry: it's really beautiful. lovely to watch. >> greg: do you ballroom dance. >> no, you bib wish i could or -- >> greg: i could teach you. >> larry: we could do it together. >> greg: it's okay for two men to dance with each other. >> that's an interesting segment. i will say this, this i see in sweden. >> jamie: yes. >> greg: so if the camera men running this jib who slammed into these activists, if the swedes are reabsoluting against
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the grieries, the tide is turning. >> the pendulum is swinging. >> greg: that's your name for it. >> larry: yeah, pendulum is swinging. all right, don't go away, we'll be right back. .. ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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>> greg: we are out of time. i'm greg gutfeld and i love you america. >> good evening and welcome to america's late news, "fox news at night" i'm traced gallagher. >> and breaking tonight, house speaker kevin mccarthy is confident that that limit deal will pass congress but we will talk to a congressman who was not so sure a commencement speaker at a new york law schoo is accused of anti- semitism an some believe the school knew about the hate speech ahead of time but breaking moments ago there are now several arrests i the videotaped beating of three marines being pummeled by as many as 30 teenagers


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